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Digital and Its Role in Process

Event Type: Webinar
Duration: 30 minutes
Date: April 11
Time: 11:00 a.m. CT
(Convert to your time zone: https://everytimezone.com/s/9f981498)

Understanding how digital tools and technologies impact process and performance management (PPM) and the organizations they support is crucial to enable our members to be competitive. Recent advancements in AI capabilities, like generative AI, and existing technologies like process automation are driving a strong need to understand the potential and learn how organizations are utilizing the tools and technologies, or how they could use them in the future.

Join APQC’s Madison Lundquist as she discusses the results of our latest survey. During the webinar she will discuss:

  • Trends in digital and technology within the PPM space
  • Future needs and approaches for digital and technology in the PPM area
  • Challenges and benefits related to the use of digital within the organization

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Madison Lundquist


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